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New Loudest Fish Discovered: Tiny Species Uses Swim Bladder to Make Jackhammer-Like Sounds

Scientists in Berlin have made a remarkable discovery about a seemingly unassuming aquatic creature: the tiny, transparent fish known as Danionella cerebrum. In a surprising revelation, researchers found that this diminutive fish is capable of producing a sound as loud as a Jackhammer drill.

The investigation into this curious phenomenon began when scientists noticed peculiar clicking noises emanating from the fish tanks in their laboratory. Intrigued by this auditory mystery, they delved deeper into the source of the sound and uncovered a fascinating revelation.

Echoes in the Depths

It turns out that Danionella cerebrum possesses a unique ability to drum out a powerful rhythm using its swim bladder, an organ responsible for buoyancy control in fish. In the vicinity of these fish, the sound produced can reach an astonishing 140 decibels, equivalent to the noise level of a gunshot. 

This finding astounded researchers, leading them to conclude that this 12mm-long species is among the loudest fish relative to its size ever discovered. The purpose behind this cacophonous drumming remains a subject of speculation among scientists. Some theorize that it could serve as a form of social communication within the species. 

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Danionella Cerebrum’s Jackhammer-Like Symphony

Scientists in Berlin have made a remarkable discovery about a seemingly unassuming aquatic creature: the tiny, transparent fish known as Danionella cerebrum.


This discovery challenges the conventional wisdom that larger animals tend to produce louder noises in nature. Underwater, it seems, size does not necessarily dictate sound intensity. While Danionella cerebrum may hold the title of the loudest fish of its size, it is not the only creature in the underwater realm capable of producing remarkable sounds. 

The pistol shrimp, aptly named for its ability to generate explosive noises while hunting, can reach levels of up to 200 decibels. 

Beyond its acoustic prowess, Danionella cerebrum also offers unique advantages to scientific research. Its transparency allows researchers to observe its brain activity in real-time, providing valuable insights into its behavior and cognitive functions.

In unraveling the mysteries of this tiny yet audibly potent fish, scientists continue to expand our understanding of the diverse and remarkable abilities found within the animal kingdom.

Read more: Deep-Sea Exploration Near Chile Discovers Over 100 New Species


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